Cara Membuat Efek berjalan menggunakan Basic4GL

Cara Membuat Efek berjalan menggunakan Basic4GL. Layaknya game Point Blank dan game tembak-tembakan lainnya. Efek berjalan yang membuat seperti game, padahal hanyasekedar efek. Oke deh langsung disimak aja


' WalkDemo
' Written by Tom Mulgrew and Scott Brosious
' A simple wolfenstein like engine

const squareSize# = 10      ' Size of each individual square (cube)

data 10, 10                 ' Width and height
data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
data 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,3
data 1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,3
data 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3
data 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3
data 1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,3
data 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,3
data 1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,3
data 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,3
data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

' Working variables
dim x, y, i, drawWall, wallType

' Read map size
dim xSize, ySize
read xSize, ySize

' Allocate map
const BASE = 0, NORTH = 1, SOUTH = 2, EAST = 3, WEST = 4
dim map(xSize)(ySize)(4)

' Read it in
for y = 1 to ySize
    for x = 1 to xSize
        ' Read in the type, then copy it to ALL the walls.
        read wallType
        for i = 0 to 4
            map(x)(y)(i) = wallType

' Add in specific texture overrides here

map(3)(3)(NORTH) = 1
map(3)(3)(SOUTH) = 4
map(3)(3)(WEST) = 1
map(3)(3)(EAST) = 1
' Load textures first
dim textures(4)

textures(1) = LoadTexture ("textures\wall01.jpg")  
textures(2) = LoadTexture ("textures\ceil01.jpg")
textures(3) = LoadTexture ("textures\floor01.jpg")
textures(4) = LoadTexture ("data\star.bmp")

' Enable texturing.
' (Note: We use GL_TEXTURE_2D, because the textures are 2D images.)
glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D)

dim camX#, camY#, camZ#, camAng#    ' Camera position and direction
camX# = xSize * squareSize# * .5 + 5
camY# = 5
camZ# = ySize * squareSize# * .5

while true
    ' Draw scene
    glLoadIdentity ()
    glRotatef (-camAng#, 0, 1, 0)
    glTranslatef (-camX#, -camY#, -camZ#)
    glScalef (squareSize#, squareSize#, squareSize#)
    ' Ceiling texture
                glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, textures(2))
                glBegin (GL_QUADS)
                    glTexCoord2f ( 0,         0): glVertex3f (0,      1, 0)
                    glTexCoord2f ( xSize,     0): glVertex3f (xSize,  1, 0)
                    glTexCoord2f ( XSize, ySize): glVertex3f (xSize,  1, ySize)
                    glTexCoord2f ( 0,     ySize): glVertex3f (0,      1, ySize)
                glEnd ()     
     ' Floor texture
                glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, textures(3))
                glBegin (GL_QUADS)
                    glTexCoord2f ( 0,         0): glVertex3f (0,      0, 0)
                    glTexCoord2f ( xSize,     0): glVertex3f (xSize,  0, 0)
                    glTexCoord2f ( XSize, ySize): glVertex3f (xSize,  0, ySize)
                    glTexCoord2f ( 0,     ySize): glVertex3f (0,      0, ySize)
                glEnd ()                                         
    for y = 2 to ySize
        for x = 2 to xSize                 
            ' Look at the cell, and it's left hand neighbour
            ' If one is 0 and the other isn't, we need to draw a wall
            if map(x)(y)(BASE) = 0 and map(x-1)(y)(BASE) <> 0 then
                drawWall = true
                wallType = map(x-1)(y)(EAST)
                if map(x)(y)(BASE) <> 0 and map(x-1)(y)(BASE) = 0 then
                    drawWall = true
                    wallType = map(x)(y)(WEST)
                    drawWall = false
            if drawWall then
                glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, textures(wallType))
                glBegin (GL_QUADS)
                    glTexCoord2f ( 0, 0): glVertex3f ( x,  0, y)
                    glTexCoord2f ( 1, 0): glVertex3f ( x,  0, y+1)
                    glTexCoord2f ( 1, 1): glVertex3f ( x,  1, y+1)
                    glTexCoord2f ( 0, 1): glVertex3f ( x,  1, y)
                glEnd ()
            ' Compare the cell and it's above neighbour
            ' Same again
            if map(x)(y)(BASE) = 0 and map(x)(y-1)(BASE) <> 0 then
                drawWall = true
                wallType = map(x)(y-1)(SOUTH)
                if map(x)(y)(BASE) <> 0 and map(x)(y-1)(BASE) = 0 then
                    drawWall = true
                    wallType = map(x)(y)(NORTH)
                    drawWall = false
            if drawWall then
                glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, textures(wallType))
                glBegin (GL_QUADS)
                    glTexCoord2f ( 0, 0): glVertex3f ( x,   0, y)
                    glTexCoord2f ( 1, 0): glVertex3f ( x+1, 0, y)
                    glTexCoord2f ( 1, 1): glVertex3f ( x+1, 1, y)
                    glTexCoord2f ( 0, 1): glVertex3f ( x,   1, y)
                glEnd ()
    SwapBuffers ()

    ' Move camera
    while SyncTimer (10)
        if ScanKeyDown (VK_LEFT)  then camAng# = camAng# + 1: endif
        if ScanKeyDown (VK_RIGHT) then camAng# = camAng# - 1: endif
        if ScanKeyDown (VK_UP)    then
            camX# = camX# - sind (camAng#) * .2
            camZ# = camZ# - cosd (camAng#) * .2
        if ScanKeyDown (VK_DOWN)  then
            camX# = camX# + sind (camAng#) * .2
            camZ# = camZ# + cosd (camAng#) * .2

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