DEV C++ PORTABLE 5,2.0.3 FULL VERSION For Windowa 7 32 bit & 64 bit
Change Version

 Fixed the function argument tip not selecting the function with the right number of arguments first.
 Fixed that tip showing in various wrong places.
Added x86 GDB executables to TDM-GCC x64.
Tooltip balloons are now only triggered by words with identifier colors, saving lots of CPU time.
Adding watch variables by hovering over words now only adds words with identifier colors.
Pressing Alt now does not cause static controls to vanish anymore.
This version should scale pictures better on high DPI settings.
Moved to a new selection of built in compiler options.
Added filename tooltips when hovering above tabs.
Closing using the middle mouse button is now only triggered when the mouse is hovering above a tab.
Moved to a new selection of built in compiler options
Updated the chinese (TC) translations (by cin.getline).
Fixed editor options not applying function tip timer settings properly, causing crashes when typing.
Updated the greek translations (by migf1).
Various dialogs and buttons are now more spacious, allowing longer translations.
Double clicking on errors now always correctly shows the caret.

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