Apa kabar nih...
Oke deh, kali ini aku mau share Kode Basic4GL Membuat Truk. Yaa itung-itung tugasku kuliah Desain Grafis.
Maklum yaa kalo masih sangat minim, soalnya aku masih newbie ngambil desain grafis ini. OKe langsung disimak aja yaa
Kodenya :
dim a#, b#
dim x1#(1),y1#,z1#(1),x2#(1),y2#,z2#(1)
dim tex1,tex2,tex3,tex4
dim angle#
dim sd#(3)
dim i#,j#
dim n#,n2#
dim xx#(1),yy#(1)
dim texture(3)
dim r#,rk#(1)
dim rkk#(1)
dim phi#
gosub main
n# = 30
for i#=0 to n#-1
for j# = 0 to n#-1
y1#= r#*sin(-(PHI#/2)+i#/n2#*PHI#/2)
y2#= r#*sin(-(PHI#/2)+(i#+1)/n2#*PHI#/2)
x1#(0)= rk#(0)*sin(j#/n2#*PHI#) 'theta/(2*phi)
x1#(1)= rk#(0)*sin((j#+1)/n2#*PHI#) 'theta/(2*phi)
x2#(0)= rk#(1)*sin(j#/n2#*PHI#) 'theta/(2*phi)
x2#(1)= rk#(1)*sin((j#+1)/n2#*PHI#) 'theta/(2*phi)
z1#(0)= rk#(0)*cos(j#/n2#*PHI#) 'theta/(2*phi)
z1#(1)= rk#(0)*cos((j#+1)/n2#*PHI#) 'theta/(2*phi)
z2#(0)= rk#(1)*cos(j#/n2#*PHI#) 'theta/(2*phi)
z2#(1)= rk#(1)*cos((j#+1)/n2#*PHI#) 'theta/(2*phi)
glTexCoord2f(xx#(0), yy#(0)) 'koordinat penempatan tekstur bola(x,y)
glVertex3f( x1#(0), y1#,z1#(0)) 'p(0,y)=(rsin0,y,rcos0)
glTexCoord2f(xx#(1), yy#(0)) 'koordinat penempatan tekstur(x,y)
glTexCoord2f(xx#(1), yy#(1)) 'koordinat penempatan tekstur(x,y)
glVertex3f( x2#(1), y2#,z2#(1))
glTexCoord2f(xx#(0), yy#(1)) 'koordinat penempatan tekstur(x,y)
while true
glLoadIdentity ()
glTranslatef (-20, 0, -30)
glRotatef (0, 0, 0, 1)
glBegin (GL_QUADS)
glcolor3f (1, 1, 1)
glVertex2f (-0.8, -2): 'lampu
glVertex2f (3, -2):
glVertex2f (3, 4):
glVertex2f (-0.8, 4)
glLoadIdentity ()
glTranslatef (-20, 0, -30)
glRotatef (0, 0, 0, 1)
glcolor3f (1, 0, 0)
glBegin (GL_QUADS) 'bemper
glVertex2f (-1, 1):
glVertex2f (-1, -2):
glVertex2f (0, -3):
glVertex2f (0, 0)
glVertex2f (0, -3):
glVertex2f (0, 0)
glVertex2f (2, 0):
glVertex2f (2, -3)
glEnd ()
glLoadIdentity ()
glTranslatef (-20, 0, -30)
glRotatef (0, 0, 0, 1)
glbegin(gl_triangles) 'kcdpan
glvertex2f (-0.8, 4)
glvertex2f (5.8, 4)
glvertex2f (1, 10)
glLoadIdentity ()
glTranslatef (-20, 0, -30)
glRotatef (0, 0, 0, 1)
glBegin (GL_QUADS)
glVertex2f (1, 10):
glVertex2f (10, 11.8): 'atap
glVertex2f (10, 0):
glVertex2f (1, 0)
glend ()
glLoadIdentity ()
glTranslatef (-19, 0, -30)
glRotatef (0, 0, 0, 1)
glcolor3f(0, 0, 0)
glbegin(gl_triangles) 'kc smping
glvertex2f (-0.8, 4)
glvertex2f (2.8, 5)
glvertex2f (0.8, 9.8)
glLoadIdentity ()
glTranslatef (-19, 0, -30)
glRotatef (0, 0, 0, 1)
glBegin (GL_QUADS)
glvertex2f (-0.8, 4)
glvertex2f (0.8, 9.8) 'kcsmping
glVertex2f (8, 10.5):
glVertex2f (8, 6.5)
glend ()
glLoadIdentity ()
glTranslatef (-8, 0, -30)
glRotatef (0, 0, 0, 1)
glBegin (GL_QUADS)
glcolor3f (1, 1, 1)
glvertex2f (-1, -1):
glvertex2f (27, -1): 'bak miring 1
glvertex2f (28, 2):
glvertex2f (1, 2)
glvertex2f (-1, -1):
glvertex2f (1, 2): 'bak miring 2
glvertex2f (1, 14):
glvertex2f (-1, 11)
glcolor3f (1,0,0)
glVertex2f (-1, 14):
glVertex2f (-1, -1): 'bak berdiri
glVertex2f (0, -1):
glVertex2f (0, 14)
glvertex2f (1, 2):
glvertex2f (2, 2): 'bak berdiri2
glvertex2f (2, 17):
glvertex2f (1, 17)
glvertex2f (-1, -1):
glvertex2f (27, -1):
glvertex2f (27, 0): 'bak memnjng1
glvertex2f (-1,0)
glvertex2f (27, -1):
glvertex2f (27,0):
glvertex2f (28, 3):
glvertex2f (28, 2) 'bakmemnjng2
glvertex2f (28, 3):
glvertex2f (28, 2): 'bak memnjg3
glvertex2f (2, 2):
glvertex2f (2, 3)
glEnd ()
glLoadIdentity ()
glTranslatef (0, b#+0.5, -13)
glRotatef (0, 0, 0, 1)
glcolor3f (0.3, 0.1, 0)
glBegin (GL_QUADS)
glVertex2f (-1, 0.5):
glVertex2f (-1, -0.5): 'balok 1
glVertex2f (5, -0.5):
glVertex2f (5, 0.5):
glVertex2f (-1, 0.5):
glVertex2f (-1, -0.5):
glvertex2f (-0.5, 0):
glvertex2f (-0.5, 1):
glvertex2f (-0.5, 0):
glvertex2f (-0.5, 1):
glvertex2f (5.5, 1):
glvertex2f (5.5, 0):
glvertex2f (5.5, 1):
glvertex2f (5.5, 0):
glvertex2f (5, -0.5):
glvertex2f (5, 0.5):
glvertex2f (5, -0.5):
glvertex2f (5, 0.5):
glVertex2f (-1, 0.5):
glVertex2f (-1, -0.5):
glEnd ()
glLoadIdentity ()
glTranslatef (0, a#+2, -13)
glRotatef (0, 0, 0, 0)
glcolor3f (0.3, 0.1, 0)
glBegin (GL_QUADS)
glVertex2f (-1, 0.5):
glVertex2f (-1, -0.5): 'balok 2
glVertex2f (5, -0.5):
glVertex2f (5, 0.5):
glVertex2f (-1, 0.5):
glVertex2f (-1, -0.5):
glvertex2f (-0.5, 0):
glvertex2f (-0.5, 1):
glvertex2f (-0.5, 0):
glvertex2f (-0.5, 1):
glvertex2f (5.5, 1):
glvertex2f (5.5, 0):
glvertex2f (5.5, 1):
glvertex2f (5.5, 0):
glvertex2f (5, -0.5):
glvertex2f (5, 0.5):
glvertex2f (5, -0.5):
glvertex2f (5, 0.5):
glVertex2f (-1, 0.5):
glVertex2f (-1, -0.5):
glEnd ()
glRotatef (0, 0, 1, 0) 'ban1
glcolor3f (1, 1, 1)
gosub bola
glRotatef (0, 0, 1, 0) 'ban2
glcolor3f (1, 1, 1)
gosub bola
SwapBuffers ()
angle# = angle# + 0.1
while SyncTimer (10)
if ScanKeyDown (VK_LEFT) then a# = a# + 0.1 : endif
if ScanKeyDown (VK_RIGHT) then a# = a# - 1: endif
if scankeydown (VK_up) then b# = b# + 0.1: endif
if scankeydown (VK_down) then b# = b# - 1 : endif
Kode diatas udah beserta tombol geraknya, jadi kalo ditekan tombol kebawah, dan tombol kekanan, maka balok yang ada diatas truk akan jatuh kebawah.
Dan kalo ditekan tombol keatas dan kekiri, maka balok itu bisa kembali keatas truk lagi..
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